Services & Support
AIDS Care Ocean State’s ENCORE program is the only needle exchange program in the state. ENCORE’s goal is to reduce the risk of HIV transmission among injecting drug users (IDUs).
ENCORE offers counseling, HIV prevention and education, and referrals to substance abuse treatment and medical care facilities.
Our Team
Our ENCORE team travels to several areas in Rhode Island every week and can be identified by their ENCORE backpacks. Our needle exchange workers require specialized training and work with the at-risk populations in Rhode Island.
If you would like more information, please email us today.
Where can you find our ENCORE team?
Monday: Cranston Street in Providence 10am-12pm
Tuesday:: Woonsocket 10am-12pm Cranston Street in Providence 6pm-8pm
Wednesday: Pawtucket & Central Falls 10am-12pm
Thursday: Manton Ave Hartford Ave from 10am-12pm
Broad Street 6pm-8pm
Friday: Newport (Broadway and Memorial Park) 10am-1pm
Dates & Times may change. Call 401-781-0665 for more information
ENCORE is always open at our Prevention Office:
557 Broad Street
Providence, RI 02907

Safe Sex kits
We offer FREE safe sex kits at our Prevention Center!
Know Your Status
Get Tested
We offer FREE HIV and Hep C testing at our Prevention Center.
Stay Connected
There’s always something happening at ACOS. Join our e-mail list to stay updated!